Where have all my commenters gone? :P
Thursday night was the Christmas party/banquet at Oasis. Originally it had been casual, but a lot of us "rebelled" and sent out a message that it was semi-formal like it always is. Leah wanted to do my hair, so I let her play around with it... we had candle dance practice before the banquet, and then we helped set up, moving chairs and tables and couches around, setting candles out all over the place... we played a few games before dinner, then near the end of the group White Elephant they needed helpers over making Subs for dinner, so Sarah and I went. We buttered a few pieces of bread, then when people started coming through, we put them together for them. Then Pastor W. read a poem by John Piper. It was called Paul, Malach, and Tabitha. After that we sang Christmas carols and cleaned up some before going home.
Friday after Church Sarah H. came over, and we watched Wallace and Gromit: A Close Shave, then sat on the couch cross-stitching for a while. Volleyball was okay, my serves are getting better, but my wrists are tiring really quickly, so after 4 serves it hurts to much to keep going with that hand. We played Bible tag (like TV tag, but with Bible names, etc...), Pit, and Spoons afterwards, then we came home.
Saturday was rather boring, we basically just sat around cleaning, wrapping presents, doing a few other things that needed to be done.
Sunday I made Molasses Crinkles and got ready for Well Group in the afternoon. Well Group was Formal; I wore one of mommy's old dresses, we were supposed to have one shabby thing, though, to remind us we're sinners and to keep us humble even in getting all dressed up... so I wore mismatched socks. :P We sang Christmas carols, played Four On A Couch, held baby Luke, ate, revealed Secret Santas, and then played mind games. Daddy was late picking me up, then he was sitting around talking with Mr. H, so we played Mad Dash and Pit until we left.
Monday well... originally, Daddy had Christmas off. Buuuut his flight sims got canceled so he's on call for Christmas. So spur of the moment on Sunday night we decided to do Christmas on Christmas Eve. So that's what we did! It was a lot of fun, and then in the evening we went to the F's for dinner, singing carols, and playing games before the Christmas Eve service... which was amazing. If the Church puts it up on their website, I'm definitely downloading it.
To avoid further questioning, I got:
- An I-pod.
- The Mission Soundtrack
- WOW Worship (Yellow)
- A Precious Moments Snowflake Ornament.
- Jennie B. And the Pilot (It's a story on CD...)
- An Itunes Gift Card
- Money from my grandparents
- Pajamas
- Alone, Yet Not Alone
- They Loved To Laugh (one of the best books... EVER).
- The Wedding Dress
- The Shepherd's Cross
Movies: (these are the family's)
- Bride And Prejudice
- The Mad Adventures of Rabbi Jacob (GO RABBI JACOB!)
- The Best of Victor Borge
- Bugsy Malone
And there's one more I don't know the name of... Tim and someone... they're comedians.
This weekend I "discovered" Yo-Yo Ma. I'd heard about him before (Philip is Chinese-American and plays the cello... just like Yo-Yo Ma. And Yo-Yo Ma sounds JUST like Mr. H, Philip's dad). Anyway, he's an amazing cellist... and makes me want to play cello even more.
He's not just a good cellist, though... it's kinda hard to explain, feeling it myself sometimes, but it's almost as if he becomes a part of the music, and really FEELS it, not just plays it. I think that's what makes him so different from the rest of the really good musicians.
At the end of this summer I was trying to decide on a new instrument to pick up, and basically my conversation with my mom went like this: "Hey mom, Can I play oboe?" "Ky, no." "Can I play harp?" "Too expensive." "How 'bout cello?" "Cello's too big." At that point I was about to start wailing. :P Then we found out the Hans have an oboe... so I got to do oboe... though I still want to do cello.
I have an amazing experience I want to share with you... Okay, so I've held babies before. This time was different... no idea why. I held Luke W. after Church today. He's one of the most adorable babies I've ever seen. To hold his tiny little body in my arms, watch him yawn... to marvel at the awesomeness of the gift of life. I just looked down at him and didn't want to let go. It also reminded me of the frailty of life... it's so small, so easily broken. But it's so beautiful and wonderful at the same time.
Pastor W.: I gave him a mohawk this morning so he'd look cool, but everyone says he still looks cute.
Kenneth: *with mayonnaise and ketchup with a hotdog* Oh, wait, I'm supposed to eat this.
Jonny: May I have the ketchup?
Me: Eew.
Jonny: *putting ketchup on his hot dog*
Me: Eeeeew... that's disgusting.
Jonny: Mmm, more ketchup.
Me: Yuck.
Jonny: You don't like ketchup, do you?
Me: Nope.
Cait: I can't figure this out, I typed it out right...
Me: Cait, that's a three, not an E.
Cait: What? I thought it was a backwards E.
More soon... I shoulda gotten this post out sooner, but it's getting REALLY long and I hate really long posts.
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1 comment:
an ipod! nice
Yeah, don't ask ME where they went!
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