I think Denis nailed it at My Story Night, when he said, "God has done so much for us, but we tell him, 'hold on God, five more minutes, let me finish this level of my video game.' Half an hour later, 'oops, God, I forgot to do my math homework. I'll get to you soon, though...' Imagine if God said, 'hold on a minute, Ky, before I can give you courage to go talk to Karin, I have to settle some business with the angels.'"
God has given us so much... so why don't we give Him our all in return? He lets us live, gives us life - one word from Him and we'd be dead.
So give Him your life... fully.
Give Him the glory... all of it.
Don't let the world take any, it doesn't deserve it. When we see God for who He really is, we'll see the world as what it is - a place full of death and decay... not worth a single minute except to save it.
Come they told me
A new born King to see,
Our finest gifts we bring
To lay before the King
So to honor Him
When we come.
Little Baby
I am a poor boy too,
I have no gift to bring
That's fit to give our King
Shall I play for you!
On my drum.
Mary nodded
The ox and lamb kept time
I played my drum for Him
I played my best for Him
Then He smiled at me
Me and my drum.
- The Little Drummer Boy (minus the "pa rum pum pum pum"s).
Our finest gifts we bring
To lay before the King
So to honor Him
When we come.
Little Baby
I am a poor boy too,
I have no gift to bring
That's fit to give our King
Shall I play for you!
On my drum.
Mary nodded
The ox and lamb kept time
I played my drum for Him
I played my best for Him
Then He smiled at me
Me and my drum.
- The Little Drummer Boy (minus the "pa rum pum pum pum"s).
We have more than "pa rum pum pum pum"s to give Jesus... we have our lives, our hearts, souls, mind, strength...
I want all of me to be wholly His.
All of me.
I want all of me to be wholly His.
All of me.
Merry Christmas Kyleigh!
I'll be back to read this post later.
Wow! I find myself doing that...like lemme just do this one thing and then I'll pray. And then it turns out to be a five second prayer because as I'm praying that one prayer, another thing/obligation comes to mind and God is pushed aside. Thanks for posting this eye-opener! God Bless you!
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