Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Rebelution Links

The promised links:

A Challenge for My Generation (mentioned earlier...)
My First Shower Nearly Killed Me (also mentioned earlier)
Doing Less By Doing More
The Room (by Joshua Harris, the twin's older brother... this article/story is one of my all-time favorites).
Why Teens Do Stupid Things
Bored? Read This!
Stop Wasting Time

Those are just the ones I can pull up easily. From time to time I'll probably link to something on someone else's blog, trusting that you *cough*bananabint*cough* will go there...



Autumn said...

I'll be checking out ALL of those links when I have more time. Thanks for posting them!

BananaBint said...

Wait, I'm supposed to go where?

BananaBint said...

I already read the first one on an email.

BananaBint said...

Oops. Not the first one. The room one.

Kyleian said...

Go where when/what?

Anonymous said...

You said that I was gonna go somewhere if you linked something and I don't get what you were trying to say...

Kyleian said...

Basically I was just saying that I think you'd benefit a LOT from the Rebelution and really like it if you went deep enough in... hinting that you really should be looking at it more.

Anonymous said...


I found your blog when you replied at my post @ The Attic of the Rebelution. Could you please add me too in your rebelutionary links? thanks a lot!

I'll add yours now.

God bless sister!