Dancing to the drum of a different beat would get too long, I think.
Why would I change it to that? Because I'm trying to dance to a different drum than the rest of the world.
Thursday: Irish dance on Wednesday was good. I got really worn out, though, but wanted to keep going, it was so much fun. But God reminded me of something. I don't think any of the other girls in the class are Christians, and with a few of them you can really tell. God reminded me to step out of my comfort zone, no matter HOW HARD that would be in the middle of a dance class, and just start by starting a conversation with them sometime. He also reminded me that my neighbor (now 12) wanted to go to youth group. So today before Oasis I'm going to go over there and see if she wants to come.
The roster for Submerge (Youth group/Oasis/H20 praise band) is out for the fall. I'm up on acoustic guitar for the whole month of November... with only one practice. Yikes. At least I have a practice, but I'm still going to be really really nervous at first. I'll survive... hopefully without any complete and utter humiliation...
Today we did Irish dance again, but with the C's, because they have a private class. I think I'd rather do that one, because I learned a LOT more and got a lot more exercise. Plus, Nate and Candace can do it, too.
I got 26 1/2 out of 29 on my first Logic test, and mommy hasn't corrected my chemistry test yet.. I think I did pretty well, though. (later - I did better than last time, but still not great.)
We've been enjoying JellyBellys the H's brought back for us for watching Oreo. I love JellyBellys...
Oasis was okay... Karin wasn't able to come. :( the talk was good, though (I'll have my notes up soon!) and the game was pretty good, in worship the music was waaay too loud, though.
Friday: another start to a busy weekend. Blech. This is basically the first time I've gotten to myself today, apart from reading after Church, but that wasn't what I really wanted to be doing then. *sigh* And tomorrow I at least have to make granola, if not sweep and wash the floors, too. I don't mind making granola... I just HATE doing the floors because it takes up to two hours to do it.
Bananabint is still questioning the Rebelution and why I like it so much, so I decided to post some more links that I forgot to do before... probably my 2 favorite series(es?), one by Brett and one by Alex.
The Myth of Adolescence:
Part One
Part Two
My iPod is my Best Friend
A Shining Salty City on A Stand
"Rebelize" Your Youth Group
Rebellion VS Rebelution
Feats of Our Forefathers
Challenges of the 21st Century
Building Your Character House
Meet Your Commander n'Chief
The Bible or the Bullet
A final thing I really liked was the audio previews from the conferences. You can listen to them here and here. The second is by Brett, the first from Alex. Personally, I love Brett's impressions... but he's got a good point. And since listening to that, I've stopped saying all the "I'm just not a.... person." "I'm just not a math person" used to turn up every day. When you think about it, it's true, though, if we try hard enough to do the hard thing and really strive to do the math, we may not end up "not being a math person."
Anyway. Not much has been going on around here, yet at the same time it seems that EVERYTHING has been, if you take my meaning.
I read a book called Navajo Weapon recently, about how the Navajos created a code we used during WWII - an unbreakable code.
I decided that since I still have nothing to do I'd go ahead and post my Oasis notes now...
Pause: Week One
Text: Luke 3:21-28 (you can read it here)
Big Idea: At the moment of temptation, let's learn to pause and remember there's always more at stake.
An observation on Temptation:
They are painfully addictive things. Why? We come back and cave in again and again. It's a pattern: tempation, sin, guilt, temptation... It's like this because we are seriously sinful wicked people.
We don't need a system to solve our problems, we need a savior. Someone to come along and clean off the mud, get us out of the loop. With a system we just fail ourselves.
Big Question: Is Jesus our rescuer?
1. Jesus was baptized, associating himself with sinful men.
2. Jesus was declared to be the Son of God, by God himself.
3. Luke shows us Jesus' family tree... a picture of God's rescue plan, Jesus is the answer to Adam's problem, where Adam failed, Jesus will SUCCEED and live up to His name to be a Savior.
God doesn't give us what we deserve because he loves us.
That was week one, last week. And I got to read the WHOLE family tree aloud at WellGroup. It was fun, though.
Pause: Week 2So yeah. That sums up my weekend so far. Tell me what you think of it all.
Text: Luke 4:1-4. You can read it here
Big Idea: At the moment of temptation, let's learn to pause and remember there's always more at stake.
Another observation:
Tempation is global. It's not a social or religious problem. It's not just you.
Big question: what can we do about it?
Fight temptations with the TRUTH. Quote scripture as an answer for every temptation - it is THE TRUTH. Turn on the light to deflect the darkness, don't accept it, because behind every temptation there is a lie. The devil destracts us from God. It leaves us empty inside, like the Turkish Delight left Edmund yearning for more - it's an empty illusion. Fill up with Jesus.
The First Temptation: Turn stone into bread.
Why is this a temptation?
We live because the very word of God says so. At the heart of this temptation is the question "Can God be trusted?" The devil makes God seem small. How can we look in the face of our Provider and say we can't trust Him? Your next heartbeat, your next breath, are a gift from God. Don't just know it, believe it. God's best will be poured into our lives if we wait.
How big is the God we serve?
Leah posted.
Your opinion was asked at the beginning of my post... what is it?
Brett:" ...I'm just not a toilet person." His voice is amazing. But,you're right, Kyleigh. He has a point. I know I've said to myself, "I'm just not a people person. I'm just not an "in-the-know person, so even if I talked to people, I wouldn't know what they were talking about." Convicting.
I personally like that title. A lot. It is not too long at all. My Mom reads lots of blogs with long titles. For example: Living to Learn and Learning to Live," and "A Mother's Heart is A Garden of Love." Those make your title sound short! I like it a lot.
Hey, Irish dancing might be a great witnessing opportunity! I'll be praying.
More links from the Rebelution! I still need to read those other ones that you posted too. I am really looking forward to them.
I love Jelly Bellys! And that book sounds really cool. I'll think I'll look for it.
I should go before I write you a novel!
HEY! It's not my fault that I don't LOVE the Rebelution. I haven't read any of the links yet, but for you, I might read a couple....
I'm not saying you have to "LOVE" the Rebelution. I just think it's a really, good thing that could impact our society for the better. So many teens I see in our compound are going down the wrong way... because they don't see all the potential we as youth hold, instead they see a time to be wild and crazy.
Which is not what the teen years should be. The teen years should be a time where we learn to love God more, follow Him more closely, and really strive to prepare ourselves for the world that lies ahead in adulthood.
See me about this 'cause I have a lot to say and it would be too long of a post.
But if you have a Bible with study notes, read the notes for I Timothy 1:12 or whatever the Rebelution's main verse is.
I totally cannot track this conversation.
Anna, basically I am not totally thrilled with the Rebelution and Kyleigh thinks it's great and wants me to think so to. Which is totally fine except I do NOT think that rebelution is ALL that. It might be good for some people, but not for me.
So that's as I understand.
You yet what we're talking about now?
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