Saturday, November 17, 2007

Nothing too Exciting.

My week wasn't too exciting.
I had to babysit Nate and Candace 3 times this week, so I got to write a lot, word count is now 40,000 and I decided to take the weekend off of writing.
I read a lot, first Between the Forest and the Hills, which was a good book but not a must-read. But yesterday I read The Cross and the Switchblade by David Wilkerson. I had one thought the whole time I was reading it: "Wow. God is amazing..."
I drew some. Finished the d'Arque drawing, got one of Anakin's eyes done. :) I also worked on his neck a bit. Soon as Ani is done I'll post them over on my writing blog.

My Story Night went better than I thought it would. Once I got up there, I wasn't quite so scared anymore, but Sarah H. said it sounded like I was really scared and that I was about to cry... both are true. I basically just shared the story I wrote, To Dance Again, (which can be found here and here) but with more after it, just of how my life changed in Dubai because of the influence of different things or different people.

Thursday Irish dance was canceled, but we went to the C's to work on the candle dance (which is almost done!) and for sewing. We stayed there and they drove us to Oasis.
Friday we had Church, came home, and took some friends out to tea. In the evening we went to a local family's house. They had a girl my age... we got on okay. Not the best, but it wasn't too bad.

I was challenged in my Bible reading this week... I was reading 1 Corinthians 13 on Wednesday, and my day was going really badly due to a couple of different things. I knew that if I were going to be up with Submerge and be speaking the next night at Oasis, things definitely had to change before then, so I got out my Bible, journal, and prayer journal, this is what I came up with:
Learning how to love can be so tough sometimes... love is patient... love is not envious.... it does not insist on its own way.
Today started out beautifully.
Then I messed up big time in Chemistry.
Forgot to do my proofs in Geometry.
Didn't get my chores done.
Then I was impatient with Nate.
I had a disagreement with mommy.
I wanted to do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it.
And then there was a bit of jealousy for something I won't specify.

What is it?
Not this.
Things seem to be going better now, though... at least for now.
This week I hope to get a post on chivalry up. I had a lecture on it this week and enjoyed it.

Learning to love,


BananaBint said...

Hi Kyleigh!

I think that's a great lesson to learn sometimes (well, all the time): Love.

Pretty hard though, don't you think? But God's there ALL THE TIME, which is pretty cool and He knows we're not perfect, but He's gonna help us if we ask Him.

But good reminder! Thanks for that!


Wow, I don't usually write LETTERS like that, but this time I felt like it! ha ha. How are all of Kyleigh's-blog-reading-friends (KBRFs) doing? (:

Anonymous said...


ps my name is really Michaela and the included link is my dad's website.
Please pray for me as I get used to being a pastor's daughter!

Michael L. Johnson said...

oops didn't show up anyway now it should im under my dad's ID

Michael L. Johnson said...

aah its

Kyleian said...

Thanks for the prayer request! I'll try and remember to be praying for you and your family, Ariadne/Michaela!