Cuz I haven't done that in a while.
So Saturday we went to the thrift store with Rachel and Mrs. R. I didn't find much there, just a pair of pajama bottoms and a really pretty Medieval looking dress. Mrs. R and Nate walked to their apartment while we bought our stuff and drove over there. Nate and Daniel came down, and Rachel, Cait, and I went up. We tried on all of our "new" clothes, then took a bunch of random pictures.
Be warned, some of them are kinda... :p

Cait says: Rawr!!!

Cait's scared of santa....

Uh... heheh...
Then we got back into normal clothes and watched some videos from when the R's were younger - Rachel at 4 doing the Highland Fling, etc... And we watched Timeline, which had a great plot and was good except for a bunch of swearing. Seriously, though, it sounded like they were swearing just for the fun of it or something.
So yesterday nobody was around. Not on email, AP, A-U, not in real life, either. I got some stuff ready to start school again, like got out the logic books and such. I helped mom with dinner. Okay, so I peeled a couple juicy carrots (I know, who calls carrots juicy but me... and maybe Bugs Bunny...), potatoes... and learned how to cut cauliflower and cabbage. I know, it seems strange - I don't know how to run a dishwasher and are awful at remembering how to do laundry as well - those have always been Cait's jobs.
I didn't sleep well last night, I have a nasty cold, probably from air conditioning, mom says.
So I went to bed at 10:30, woke up at 2:03, then didn't really get back to sleep. Got up at 5:54.
I'm not feeling too tired, though, and I'm getting my nice alone time in the morning.
How was that for rambling?
I tend to do it when I'm not trying to, and when I try to, it doesn't turn out well, there's nothing funny or bright in any of it.
Oh well.
Let's see.
Pray for people all over as school is starting up.
Then we got back into normal clothes and watched some videos from when the R's were younger - Rachel at 4 doing the Highland Fling, etc... And we watched Timeline, which had a great plot and was good except for a bunch of swearing. Seriously, though, it sounded like they were swearing just for the fun of it or something.
So yesterday nobody was around. Not on email, AP, A-U, not in real life, either. I got some stuff ready to start school again, like got out the logic books and such. I helped mom with dinner. Okay, so I peeled a couple juicy carrots (I know, who calls carrots juicy but me... and maybe Bugs Bunny...), potatoes... and learned how to cut cauliflower and cabbage. I know, it seems strange - I don't know how to run a dishwasher and are awful at remembering how to do laundry as well - those have always been Cait's jobs.
I didn't sleep well last night, I have a nasty cold, probably from air conditioning, mom says.
So I went to bed at 10:30, woke up at 2:03, then didn't really get back to sleep. Got up at 5:54.
I'm not feeling too tired, though, and I'm getting my nice alone time in the morning.
How was that for rambling?
I tend to do it when I'm not trying to, and when I try to, it doesn't turn out well, there's nothing funny or bright in any of it.
Oh well.
Let's see.
Pray for people all over as school is starting up.
OK, you are WAY too bored.
I like your dress in the last pic... and I hope you get better soon.
Man, if I had a blog, I'd have SO many pics to post right now! Pics from home and at Leah's and jsut around and pics from Gull Lake and Houghton Lake and Emily Bayon's house.... FEELING SUDDEN URGE TO- *screams*
Oh, and have I mentioned EMAIL ME? I feel abandoned....
I thought Rachel was blonde? Oh, whatever.... that was random. Also, Leah put down a new post... Not very interesting, but a new post.
Well, Rachel WAS blonde...
I AM emailing you... they just don't seem to be going through.
Sick from air conditioning?
The purple dress is the new on, right? Pretty!
^ The one in the purple is my sister... I'm the one in the green. :)
Yeah, Kyleigh's the one that looks like her current picture for her profile. So try and match the back of her head with the pictures up there.... (:
I can't tell if it's two vs or a w for the word thingy... I think it's two vs....
It was two vs. (:
Oh, and amen is all I can say to your prayer request..
This morning I got up (well, actually, it was closer to 10 am) and I thought, "Summer is over." No more swimming, no more staying up, getting up late, going for expeditions outside, always wearing coats, bitter cold, no more dew, no more sun... no more sun. That's the worst of it. I'm trying to take Jesus's word for it and not worry about it, but it's hard, you know? I'm naturally pessimistic (though it's getting less recognizable), and the thought of school starting is hard because I'm still 7 when it comes to that... The start of school and gym class is the end of the world to me. So just pray...
Aw, poor Anna.
At least you have cold, da-lin'.
Here, we wake up on the first day of school thinking "Summer is over. Sure, it means back to school and school can be blechy, buuut... fall means cooler weather. Swimming. Volleyball. And best of all....
*boo* umm...yeah, just stopped in to comment and say hi and be good while I'm gone! and talk to you again....on Aug 31 or Sept 1 when I'm home!! I'll actually update my blog and post pictures of my trip, won't that be thrilling?? (aye, I'm in a very odd mood this evening....I think it's the excitement getting to me!!!)
Oooh, yay, a hello from Dara on my birfday!
Have fun on your trip!
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