I tend to be awful at writing about myself, it’s not something I do a lot, and I greatly dislike doing it. One warning before I start: I often get side tracked or start to ramble. So be forewarned. As you’ve already seen, my name is Kyleigh, though most places online I go by Ky or Kyleian. I’m fourteen, and my dad is a pilot with an airline in the Middle-East. So I live out in a tent in the middle of the desert. Well, not really. We do have desert campouts in the winter when it’s cool enough, but normally I live in a house with painfully hard marble floors. I have three siblings, and I’ve always wished for more. I’m the second oldest and the second tallest. For now. We’re a rather short family, I’m 5’ 1 ½” (if even)… All four of us kids are homeschooled, and have been basically our whole lives – my parents were in language school for 2 years, in which my older sister (4) and I (2) went to pre-school, Kindergarten, and first grade at schools in Jordan. I love school, God has blessed with a love for learning none of my other siblings seem to have. This coming school year I will be taking both French and Arabic, geometry, Chemistry, Logic, Medieval-Early Renaissance History and Literature, art, and PE… well, kinda for the art and PE. It’s more of a draw-something-once-a-week and be-sure-to-go-swimming-or-run-around every day. I do have fencing two-three times a week, though, and love playing with swords. Besides swords (and other old-fashioned weapons such as bow-and-arrows), I love dance, music, writing, and books. I don’t dance as much as I did previously, we moved to the Middle-East about a year ago, and none of the dance schools here met our standards (actually now there is one that does, but it’s not technically a school, and I kept up with ballet for so long in the states because of the atmosphere at the school we were at). I do dance around the house still, it’s kind of hard to marché down the stairs without getting hurt. I’m constantly listening to music, and when I’m not I’m making it – I play guitar, piano, and violin (piano and violin just picked up from my siblings), and this school year I’m (Lord willing) taking viola or oboe. I love to sing as well, however I’m not very good and my voice isn’t very high so it’s a bit tricky to sing a lot of songs I like. My favorite genres are classical, Contemporary Christian, country, and soft rock. The artists I listen to most are Third Day, ApologetiX, Jars of Clay, Blesk, Eisley, Sara Groves, Michael Card, Bethany Dillon, Newsboys, Delirious?, and Nichole Nordeman. I love to write, but some days I don’t feel like it or am stuck in one of my stories, so instead I’ll read or draw. I’ll draw anything if I have a good idea, but the outcome isn’t always the best. :) Usually I’ll go on reading streaks, when I’ll read almost non-stop for a few days to two weeks. I read mostly historical fiction and fantasy, but I love sci-fi and biography as well. I loathe romance. Usually. My favorite authors: J.R.R. Tolkien, Brian Jacques, C.S. Lewis, Lois Walfrid Johnson, and Douglas Bond. My favorite books, er, well, the top few other than my Bible, would be (in no particular order) Viking Quest series, Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, The Last Sin Eater, Quo Vadis, The Bronze Ladder, They Loved to Laugh, and The Princess Bride.
We don’t watch many movies in our house, but I seem to go on movie-watching streaks as well, where I just feel like watching movies. My favorites would be Ladyhawke, National Treasure, Les Miserables, Facing the Giants, Princess Bride, and MirrorMask. A few random facts: I love hot glue guns, techno music, duct tape, cookies, masks, song parodies, and grapefruits. Well, this is getting rather long, so cookies to all who are still reading, and goodbye.
I just felt like posting. :)
And this is my new bio for
www.apricotpie.com So I thought I'd share it here... so I'm not quite 14 yet, but by the time I'm completely finished writing it and everything, I will be. It's only three days.
Fencing tonight! I'm gonna get killed... unless it's only me and Mr. Seraj. That would be nice, a one-on-one fencing session my first night back.
*shoots a hot glue gun at a beetle walking by* *Kapow*
Wow. Very long, but very interesting even though I knew most of that stuff. And the other stuff I didn't really care if I knew! :p
Thanks for posting!
Why does Ella Enchanted not appear in the list of books you like??? I demand an answer! And why do you hate romance? I LOVE romance!
Why not? Because even though it's a good book, it's not one of the best ones ever written.
according to you.
Go Nichole Nordeman!
Sounds like we both like fantasy, Kyleigh. I'm fine with romance, as long as it isn't too sappy. It's not like my fav Shakespeare play is Romeo and Juliet. [Twelfth Night ;)]
It was really cool to get to know you a little bit better.
I had know idea that you lived in the middle east. cool! So, if I am learning about the Middle East in school, you could help me out? =)
You'll love viola. My brother took it while I did cello. It is so beautiful!
And the princess Bride is one of my favorite movies. I am looking for the book, but my library doesn't have it.
I would love to be able to fence!
Right, Anna, and this is about me, not you, eh?
Autumn - Sure! I actually made a powerpoint for a friend in the states last year. It took a while to get it the way I wanted, but it ended up turning out really well.
Ah, Cello... lucky. Oboe, cello, and harp are my favorite instruments - but we can't find an Oboe or harp teacher, and cello is soo big.
I mean, I like romance like Pride and Prejudice, Ella Enchanted, Princess Bride... love stories.
But I don't like Shakespeare. :b
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