Welcome to the Grand Canyon, Mr. Anderson. We've been waiting for you.
(Cait and I did a whole video series on this... once we get back to Dubai and I get it put together I'll put it on YouTube and post the video here).
A Raven.
"Quoth the raven - Nevermore!"
A squiddel.
Beautiful clouds and trees... okay, so this was from the parking lot...
Sunset on the Grand Canyon, south rim.
Sunset at the Grand Canyon was awesome. Well, definately less awesome than God, but even so reflecting his awesomeness.
Hopi Point.
Some pictures from our Hike. We went 600 feet down into the Canyon, and then back up. Took us almost 2 hours.
Cait and I reached the top 5 minutes before everyone else, but we were worn out and breathless when we got there - exactly an hour and forty-two minutes after we started.
A mule train we saw.
Look! As Cait said, A real cowboy!

After our hike, we drove down to Sedona, AZ, and stopped there for a while. I finished reading The Grand Canyon, A Different View, aloud to the family. Brilliant book. Read it, even if you'll never go to the Grand Canyon.
There's Cacti everywhere.
Well, we ate at Sweet Tomatoes, then went to the hotel, and got up in the morning to catch our flight to WA. We almost missed it, due to extremely long check-in lines. Thankfully, they let us through security - well, let us cut - so we could get to the gate. Praise God, everything - us and our luggage - all made it to the plane. We're back in WA, safe and sound, after some trouble with the rental car, confusion with a ticket for Cait's friend flying out here, lunch at Taco Time, and then a day at Gramma's, which I spent watching MASH with grampa, cleaning my cloak, shooting Nate's BB gun, and taking the bark offa a stick.
Well, ok, I'm really getting to bed now.
'Night, ya'll.
PLEASE NO MORE PICTURES!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Niiiiiiiiiice. "Mr. Anderson" "My name... is Neo!" XD
Nice sunglasses. 8)
I doubt this is new in your blog thing, but I just noticed it now (shows how long it takes me to see things like this) "I've been called nerdy, freaky, dorky, and weird - I can't help that God's given me a desire to learn."
He he, I take being called any of those names as a compliment because I KNOW I'm ALL of those, so if people are calling me them, then they see a bit of me. =D
Anyways, so my posting frenzy, smapping your blog, is now over. =P
I'm glad you had a great time and happy that you are safely back... "home" or somewhere where your not traveling a lot, even if at this moment you are still taveling, though I can't remember from the comment you left on my blog. *shuts up* =D
Oh, that last entry, by the Anonymous guy was me, Matt. =P
I have a fried who likes MASH.
Oh, ignore Bananabint. Post pictures! All the time! 'Specially of you.
Matthew: I guessed it was you - the style of writing, etc..
Yes, Anna, I will ignore Bananabint.
Hmph. A picture is worth a thousand words.
heya Ky! pretty kewl pics! Yeah, I've heard of that grand canyon book. Haven't read it on account of never being to the grand canyon, though. Hey, you can take me off your links list, since my Dad wanted me to delete my blog. so yeah, it's no longer in existence.
wow, I so want to go to the Grand Canyon sometime. it'd be so awesome.
I'd rather you type the thousand words. All these pictures are totally RUINING our computer and making it take FOREVER!!!!! Besides, whenever you post a picture anyone in the entire world could see it.
Seriously Kyleigh, all these pictures are REALLY messing up our computer. SO if you insist on posting more, DO NOT POST SO MANY!!
Yeah, that's why there aren't really any of me head on.
And how many people are ever gonna think to type in either
www.ilevottedees (or whatever it is...) and/or lady-kyleian?
Both extremely original names. That's why I always go with kyleian.
But anywho.
Sorry, but you're not the only one who reads my blog. And trust me, there will probably never be another instance like this one.
Yeah I know but you should try typing in random sites.blogspot.com. Actually you shouldn't 'cause you come up with some really weird stuff. And even if no one EVER thinks of Lady-Kyleigh you can go from links from other people's blogs and really get to some random person's blog like this one or with some blogs up at the top you can hit "next blog" and get other really random blog So anyway. That's why I'm not gonna get blog.
The only blog my link is at is Ilevot's.
oh be quiet, bananabint! post plenty of pics Ky! :)
Well than can you at least post MOST of your pictures on your PICTURE blog? That's what it's for, isn't it? I know you posted some, but why don't you post most of them there?
Because these aren't photography.
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