Friday, April 13, 2007

Not much new...

Not much is going on here... I invited Chris to youth group, and basically I got the "nope, sorry, not much of a religious guy, but thanks for inviting me."
Would you pray for him with me? That God would open his eyes to see the truth and everything?

Other than that... Squirt's doing a skit next week at Oasis, if we can pull it together in time. We had a Waterworks meeting today after Volleyball, it was a really encouraging and fun time. The Surge team has been having fundraisers... so far they've raised 1,100 dirhams from running Sherbeck's Cafe after Church today. (Surge is the name for the missions trip to India this summer... Cait and I can't go cuz we'll be in the states then).

Bass seems to be nowhere 'cept PMI, and their slot for the time we're there is full. I think next week I'll just go in and look at the books and basses they have there, and buy stuff and teach myself. Seems to be the best option at the moment.

I haven't been writing all that much lately, not writer's block, just a bit of down time with it. I've been reading, some, though. Mostly G.A. Henty. At the moment I'm reading "The Young Carthaginian" to go with my history, and I'm almost done with it.

Only one month and 4 days till we get out of school... 'cept for bio. That goes 2 weeks after we get back from the states.

Not much else to say.

How deep the Father's love for us,
how vast beyond all measure
That he should give his only son,
to make a wretch his treasure
How great the pain of searing loss,
the Father turned his face away
As wounds which mar the chosen one,
bring many sons to glory
Behold the man upon a cross,
my sin upon his shoulders
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice
call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held him there
until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life;
I know that it is finished
I will not boast in anything:
no gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ;
his death and resurrection
Why should I gain from his reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart:
his wounds have paid my ransom


Anonymous said...

I lurve that song!
I'll try to remember t' pray for Chris.
No really helpful comments on the movie idea. Some of the lines and a bit of the narration are a little too.......... book-sy..... for a movie.
If you understand. If you don't, join the crowd. :)And don't feel bad, no one else does either.

Anonymous said...

I'm not very understandable.

Anonymous said...

Or is it ible?
Well, it's definitely not Understandeble.
Ible or able, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous spelling.......
I'll never make a Shakespeare, huh?

Kyleian said...

Whatever... yeah, it's just the basic outline, like I said. Rach and I will be working on it more over the summer, and hopefully film it when Nathan's back for Christmas.

Thanks for praying.

Yeah, that's got to be my favorite song at the moment... that one and Majesty/Here I Am.

Cait said...

Hmm, has Nathan ecen agreed to this filming thing yet? Could be interesting.

We need to talk later.


Kyleian said...

Cait: Yes, Nathan agreed to it... Rach and I were talking about it at the campout, and he heard us mentioning him rolling down the dune, and he smiled and nodded. And other things like that... he agrees.

Anonymous said...

Which Here I Am? Here I Am to Worship?

Anonymous said...

No, the Majesty/Here I Am.
"Here I am, humbled by your majesty... and now I've found, the greatest love of all is mine, since you laid down your life, the greatest sacrifice..."

Cait said...

By the way Kyleigh, that whole bumper-tutus thing at Dreamland that you attributed to Nathan and Isaac?

That was me and Zoe. All the way. They just copied us.

Kyleian said...

Ah. And you were running into people with them? They just about knocked me over... Nathan rams into me and Isaac rams into Nathan.
I almost scraped my leg from that.

Anonymous said...

You got a new backround! Oh, and Leah posted some new stuff. Not recently, but you ade no comments on them, so I figured you hadn't visited.

Anonymous said...

Oh never mind, you did.
My mom still wont let me get a blog. >:b
but I udnerstand her reasons.

BananaBint said...

I like the new layout. Cool.

Anonymous said...

^ Thank you! If I can ever think of the right thing I may get someone to do a custom one for me, but I haven't a clue how to do HTML and stuff...

Anonymous said...

Oh, comment on Leah's blog for me, will you? Tell her to put up some of her artwork- she's amazing!
She's always telling me not to copy her ideas because they're so brilliant.(I do it anyway.)

Dara said...

hey Ky, if you ever want a great layout, just tell me, and I'll get essy to make you one. =D she makes awesome layouts!

Anonymous said...

I requesteth? What the in the worldeth dost that mean?

Kyleian said...

haha, Anna... *rolls eyes*
Thee requesteth...

Cait said...

my dears, improper use of old english annoys me to no end.

Cait said...

oh, and you need a new post soon.

wait, who am i to be talking? goodness.

desert friday, yay!

BananaBint said...

We shouls all start talking in Old English. It's Anglo-Saxon. And it's really hard to understand but it sounds real cool. Sorry, I know I'm being random! Oh and Kyleigh, you really do need a new post soon.

Kyleian said...

Not Old English... Middle English.
Old English is a totally other language... well, what'dya want me to post? Nothing's really going on... I will on Saturday evening or Sunday, though...
Well, actually, I could post our conversation while dissecting the frog.

BananaBint said...

Old English is kinda related to Modern English. And it sounds cooler. So not Middle English, Old.

Anonymous said...

Middle English = ye, thee, etc...
Old English = (this is part of Beowulf in old english) Hwæt! We Gardena in geardagum,
þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon,
hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon.
Oft Scyld Scefing sceaþena þreatum,

And read this Wikipedia link on Middle English: